different countries with the idea of an ideal set up and waves at a specific time.
Therefore the biggest challenge for our team on this job was not to break from the uncertainty of
what we'd get, but to turn it into creativity, to perceive the circumstances as opportunities and to
draw from them.
Filming with Lenni was as unique as the givens. He is an introvert as a person with extraordinary
surfing skills that should be experienced live. We did our best to put into pictures the skillset he
was able to put on show during the fraction of time we had to film 'LENNI'. Although he is a
reserved, rather shy person, yet everywhere you go everyone knows him. Born in Germany, raised
on the island of Tenerife he is as much a local as he is German. Its fascinating, to see how
someone can adapt so well in two so different cultures.
It was on one of our sunset shoots that Marcella and Lenni got the chance to share some waves
again for the first time in a very long time. Marcella was left in awe. It was then that Marcella
Machado told us the stories of Lenni's early surfing days and his unravelling progress throughout
the years. Her narration is now the voice-over to "Lenni", the film.

Portrait of Lenni Jensen © Eduardo Vento

Lenni Jensen Lifestyle © Miriam Joanna

Drone shot of Lenni Jensen © Miriam Joanna

Lenni Jensen pulling into a barrel © Miriam Joanna

Tenerife © Miriam Joanna

Tenerife © Miriam Joanna

Lenni Jensen in his hometown © Miriam Joanna

Lenni Jensen and Eduardo Vento © Miriam Joanna

Lenni Jensen getting ready © Miriam Joanna

Lenni Jensen and Eduardo Vento discussing shots inbetween the sets © Miriam Joanna

Lenni Jensen during sunset in Tenerife © Miriam Joanna

Eduardo Vento getting his camera ready © Miriam Joanna

Lenni Jensen during sunset © Miriam Joanna